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Skimboard Vs Bodyboard: Which is Best?

skimboard vs bodyboard

What is the Difference Between a Skimboard Vs Bodyboard?

The main difference between skimboards vs bodyboards is the way you use them. Skimboards are designed to be used with your feet and bodyboards are designed to be used on your stomach. In this article, we explain the other differences as well as the benefits of skimboarding vs bodyboarding and vice-versa.

Some of the other differences between skimboards and bodyboards include the materials they are made from, the shape, size, and thickness which all affect how you can use them. If you are trying to decide whether to get a skimboard or a bodyboard you should know they are not the same at all and require very different skill sets.

6 Differences Between Skimboards and Bodyboards

  1. Shape, Size, and Thickness
  2. Materials and Design
  3. Riding Technique
  4. Barriers to Entry
  5. Riding Opportunities
  6. Popularity

Benefits of a Skimboard Vs Bodyboard

As with any two sports that fall within the same category, there are die-hard fans on both sides of the fence who proclaim their sport is the best. To keep things as objective as possible we will go through the benefits of both skimboarding and bodyboarding and leave you to judge which is the winner (skimboarding cough, cough).

You Don’t Need Waves to Skimboard

The first benefit of skimboarding over bodyboarding is the fact that you don’t need waves to skimboard, or to even be anywhere near a beach for that matter. You can skim on the shallowest pools of water that are just a few centimeters deep due to the concave of the board which glides over the surface.

If you live by the beach and there are no waves to surf then whip the skimboard out and work on your skimming skills. If you live in the city and there are some open water fountains or empty car parks that flood slightly when it rains simply grab your board and get after it. The point is that you can skim everything with a skimboard.

You Don’t Need a Wetsuit or Flippers to Go Skimboarding

Unlike bodyboarding, you don’t need any extra gear like a wetsuit or flippers to use a skimboard. If you are skimboarding at the beach you literally don’t need anything other than the board. If you are flatland skimboarding then you will probably need some grippy shoes that you don’t mind getting wet.

Not only does this mean you don’t have to spend as much money but also means you don’t have to carry any extra gear with you. Skimboard bags are the only addition you might want if you are walking between skim spots. Other than that you can keep your board in the trunk of your car and don’t have to worry about storage space or drying wetsuits.

You Don’t Need to Be the Strongest Swimmer

While you should definitely know how to swim before skimboarding in the ocean, it is not essential to take part in the sport. So long as you stay in the shallows you will rarely have to swim when skimboarding. That is unless you are trying to skim out to a wave from shore and ride it back in.

Compare skimboarding with bodyboarding and you will soon realize that sometimes just swimming out far enough to catch a decent wave requires some strong swimming. When waves come crashing into your face it is easy to feel like you are taking one step forward and two steps back. Trick: dive under the wave using your board to cut through.

No Leash to Get Tangled up In With a Skimboard

Skimboards do not have attachments for leashes like bodyboards do as you are unlikely to be riding any big waves that could really separate you. Leashes wouldn’t work with skimboards anyway as they would just get tangled up and limit how far in front of you you can place your board.

You can Skimboard Barefoot or With Shoes

You can ride a skimboard with bare feet, surfing boots, or just regular sneakers. If you are on the beach then barefoot is really the best way to go whereas if you are in the city or somewhere remote then trainers can protect you from unforeseen dangers. The advantage of being able to use your skimboard no matter what you have on your feet is a huge advantage.

Skimboards are Better for Tricks, Jumps, and Rails

While you can spin around and catch air with a bodyboard, there is way more that you can do with a skimboard. Think of all the shuvits, ollies, rails, grabs, spins, and even flips you can do with a skimboard. The reason for this is because when you are stood up there are way fewer limitations.

Skimboards Can Be Used as An Indo Board

When you aren’t at the beach or skimming around the city you can use your skimboard with a solid pipe or full bottle of water to create an Indo board. Not only is this a lot of fun to do at home but it also improves your balance and strengthens your legs. If you live the van life then you can also use a skimboard for a table but that is another article in itself.

Bodyboarding easier than skimboarding

Benefits of Bodyboards Vs Skimboards

Bodyboards are more popular around the world because they generally have a lower barrier to entry than skimboards. You can pick up a really cheap model on holiday which the whole family can use should they want to.

Bodyboarding is Easy to Learn

You need almost no skill to ride a bodyboard on a small wave and people of all ages will be able to have some success I guarantee. The technique is all about timing your entry into the wave and so long as you can judge when the wave is approaching you will be able to launch yourself into it and ride it for some period of time at least.

Catch Waves from Further Out with a Bodyboard

Unlike skimboarding which starts on the shore, bodyboarders must swim out to where the swell starts to peel and turn into a rideable wave. This allows bodyboarders to ride waves for longer and to catch bigger waves which make catching air more possible. You will often see surfers and bodyboarders competing for the same waves whereas the only traffic skimboards have to deal with is people dipping their feet in.

Less Risk of Injury on a Bodyboard

Because you are laying on your front and not having to balance so much you are unlikely to fall off a bodyboard and hurt yourself. There are of course dangers under the surface of the ocean like coral, rocks, and jellyfish but there is at the shore too. On a skimboard where you are stood up, you can easily fall off and sprain an ankle or wrist if you fall.

Almost All Beaches Allow Bodyboards

Some beaches don’t allow surfing between certain colored flags or buoys but bodyboards are as accepted as swimming in most places. This is possibly due to skimboards being soft and lightweight and so unlikely to injure someone if you lose control.


So now that you know the differences between a Skimboard Vs Bodyboard, which will you choose? Let us know in the comments.

  1. […] surfing to skimboarding is a bit like comparing bodyboards to skimboards, they are similar but different. They often attract similar people and the sports often crossover […]

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