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Are Skimboarding Leashes A Thing? 4 Reasons Why They Aren’t

Are Skimboarding Leashes a Thing

Are Skimboarding Leashes a Thing?

In this article we find out once and for all, are skimboarding leashes a thing? You will learn 7 reasons why skimboard legropes are not a thing and why nobody uses a leash on a skimboard. If you are determined to try it for whatever reason then keep reading for our DIY skimboard leash guide.

Leashes, or leg ropes, were invented in the 1970s for surfing. A great invention of a cord that stopped you from losing your board. We have seen them move into the bodyboarding world, but not the skimboarding world… yet.

Why Don’t You Get Leashes On Skimboards?

Here are the 4 main reasons why you shouldn’t use leashes with skimboards:

A Leash Becomes a Tripwire

The obvious answer to why we don’t use leashes is the trip hazard. Having a surfboard-like leash attached to a board you are running with, could be a recipe for disaster.

People do use bodyboards as skimboards, and when they do, they are using the bodyboard “coiled” leash which attaches to the arm. So it’s not completely out of the question to use a coiled leash, which attaches to the wrist, on a skimboard.

Skimboarding is Done Close To Shore

Skimboarding is done close to shore, unlike surfing which is done further out. So your board washing to shore is no problem. In fact, it is a benefit to have your board return to you without a leash.

Even if you do manage to skim out quite deep, so long as you don’t launch your board over the wave like a ramp it should still end up washing up close to the shore.

A Leash Would Stop Spin Tricks

Using a leash on a skimboard would prevent you from doing shuvits and other cool board-spinning tricks. The leash would just tangle around your legs and interfere with the board’s free range of motion in the air. You could still perform turns and grabs if skimboard leashes were a thing

Coiled Leashes Can Be Dangerous

One disadvantage of a coiled skimboard leash is that they’re like a spring being pulled. In a wipeout, the board can become a missile heading straight back at you. This is the reason the coiled leashes are used in bodyboarding but not skimboarding or surfing. Bodyboards are much softer!

Can You Attach a Leash to A Skimboard

Can You Attach a Leash to A Skimboard?

You can attach a leash to a skimboard, however, it would differ depending on the board. For a fiberglass skimboard, you would use a surfboard-style leash plug and follow the DIY guide below.

Fitting a leash to a plywood skimboard could be achieved but you may need to get creative here. We do not endorse putting a leash on a wooden skimboard but if anybody has tried this please get in touch.

Why You Don’t Need a Skimboarding Leash

So long as you avoid rip currents, your board will wash onto the shore almost every time and the only thing that will take your board out to sea is a rip current. Be aware of where they are, and avoid them.

You should always avoid skimming around other people as a skimboard on the loose can be quite dangerous. So, if you find a quieter spot with fewer people around then your board can’t hit people that aren’t there.

How to DIY a Skimboard Leash

We do not recommend putting a leash on your skimboard yourself. But if you are really keen, then it needs to be at the back and preferably off-center.

Being off-center will help avoid tripping and getting tangled. The direction to off-center the leash plug will depend on your stance, natural or goofy. Put it on the toe-side.

For a fiberglass skimboard, a surfboard leash plug would be best. A stopped hole needs to be drilled and then they are glued in with a resin. Make sure it is sealed.

On a plywood skimboard, you will need to get creative. Fiberglass on (or attaching in another way) a small metal or plastic loop, in which the attaching rope of the leash can pass through.

Use a surf leash attached to your wrist if you are going to do this.

Skimboard Leash

How To Avoid Losing Your Skimboard In The Ocean

Your skimboard will rarely be washed out into the ocean, however, to further avoid losing your skimboard you can try these 6 tips:

  1. React quickly if you slip off or your board escapes you
  2. Skim parallel to the shoreline
  3. Avoid rip currents
  4. Stay out of the waves
  5. Try not to launch your board over a wave
  6. Try flatland skimboarding

What To Do If You Lose Your Skimboard?

If you lose your skimboard and it doesn’t seem safe to swim after it, wait and watch from shore. The waves should push it back in. If your board is being washed out to sea, then that is a clear sign of currents and rips. Do not attempt to rescue your board from a situation with rips. Tell a lifeguard or experienced water person.

If there are surfers in the water you can wave to them and they may pick up your board for you.

Why a Leash May Be a Good Idea

It doesn’t actually ever make sense to use a skimboard leash but if you have lost a board in big waves before the thought has probably crossed your mind. The only conceivable time a leash would make sense is in some very risky situations with rip tides and waves that break right on the shoreline.

We hope you now know why skimboarding leashes are not a thing and come back again soon.

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